Saturday, March 19, 2011

daily deliveries

There's nothing better than waking up or coming home and finding a package waiting for you to be opened! The excitement of frantically trying to find a knife or scissor to open the box and then rummaging through all the bubble wrap and tissue paper to get to the buried treasure, feels like Christmas all over again. Only this time all the gifts are to and from dear ol' me.

photos via iphone
***you may recognize some of the items from my Spring Goodies list

I admit, I do tend to spoil myself a tad bit, sometimes more than I should. But I can't help it, I'm a girl who ♥s to SHOP. As long as the mortgage & bills are paid and there is no baby(s) in the picture {not yet at least} , then there is nothing wrong with splurging on yourself. My motto is work hard, shop hard.
There is this huge part of me that can't help but feel extremely GUILTY for indulging myself with all these materialistic things when the people of Japan are going through so much suffering & turmoil. Although it is absolutely heartbreaking, it's a constant reminder that we need to live life to the fullest because everything can be taken away at any given time with a snap of a finger! We have to continue to enjoy all the good things life delivers {even the materialistic ones}, and thank God for his daily blessings.

Keep JAPAN in your thoughts and prayers ♥
To donate $10 to support the THE RED CROSS relief efforts, simply text REDCROSS to 90999 or click the link.

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Thanks dolls for all the love!!!