Thursday, May 27, 2010
Something Borrowed
I just discovered that one of my all time fav chick book is being turned into a movie!!! As you may remember on my last months post I raved about Something Borrowed by Emily Giffen. It's funny how a few years ago when my girlfriend Jessica (also known as MOH) & I first read her book... we both thought how great it would be if it was turned into a movie... we even discussed which actress would play and fit the roll of the characters. I always pictured the roll of Darcy to be played my Cameron Diaz and Rachel McAdams would be perfect as Rachel. After the cast was revealed, I'm even more excited for this movie to wrap up! I'm more than tickled to know that Kate Hudson ( i ♥ her) will play Darcy and Ginnifer Goodwin (who was adorable in He's Just Not Into You) will play Rachel!(although I still prefer Rachel McAdam)
Hhhmmmm...contemplating if I should read the book again. Often times movie version tend to fail in capturing the true essence of the book. So if I reread the book now, I might be setting myself up for disappointment... so I think I'll just have to wait patiently for the movie premier.
Again for those who have not read the book, I highly suggest you pick up a copy and get your read on!

"Emily Giffin fans will be interested to know that filming has begun on SOMETHING BORROWED, the movie based on her bestselling book. The movie stars Kate Hudson (Darcy), Ginnifer Goodwin (Rachel), Colin Egglesfield (Dex), and John Krasinski (Ethan). Something Borrowed is about a nice girl who has always followed the rules until she begins a passionate affair with her best friend’s fiancĂ©."

Monday, May 24, 2010
UPDATE: honeymoon is BOOKED!
After repeated visits to Liberty Travel... we have finally set a destination for our honeymoon!!! Drum roll please...
COASTA RICA here we come! On September 12th we will be cast away in the beautiful Four Seasons Resort in Peninsula Papagayo, Costa Rica. There we can look forward to basking in luxury and seclusion, plus enjoy the adventurous and tropical environment of the rain forest. We can already picture ziplining through the rain forest, swimming through the backdrop of a waterfall (it will be interesting considering I can't swim lol!), horseback riding on the beach, exploring hidden caves in the ocean, and just enjoying each other!!! Absolutely cannot wait!!!

COASTA RICA here we come! On September 12th we will be cast away in the beautiful Four Seasons Resort in Peninsula Papagayo, Costa Rica. There we can look forward to basking in luxury and seclusion, plus enjoy the adventurous and tropical environment of the rain forest. We can already picture ziplining through the rain forest, swimming through the backdrop of a waterfall (it will be interesting considering I can't swim lol!), horseback riding on the beach, exploring hidden caves in the ocean, and just enjoying each other!!! Absolutely cannot wait!!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
picture perfect
Next step on my agenda is to have our official engagement photo session taken (even though we have been engaged for about a year and a half now). A reasons for this delay was... last summer we hoped and planned that we both would be in the fittest and sexiest shape by this summer, unfortunately this is soo not the case!!! =( but that's a whole different story... so anyway...
Lately I've been more than obsessed with vintage inspirations. After browsing infinitely through various wedding blogs... I've come across some of the cutest and sweetest engagement photo sessions and have been inspired.
check out these real life adorable couples:

Lately I've been more than obsessed with vintage inspirations. After browsing infinitely through various wedding blogs... I've come across some of the cutest and sweetest engagement photo sessions and have been inspired.
check out these real life adorable couples:
Saturday, May 15, 2010
choosing PARADISE
After mentally reflecting on my to do list... I knew I had to start hustling and start checking off some of the majors listed on my list. Top on our priority was definitely the honey moon!!! The honey moon will sadly mark the ending of this colossal event in our lives and mark the beginning of our blissful life together... so the location is undeniably crucial to us.
Hubby and I conclusively agreed that BORA BORA in the French Polynesian Islands would be our ultimate dream getaway. But we knew that the price would be discouraging... So imagine my excitement after initially meeting with our travel agent, who found amazing deals @ the ST. REGIS RESORT in Bora Bora. I could not believe my ears.. I can already picture myself looking down at the tropical fishies from the living room floor of our private over water bungalows.
But like many things... "if it's too good to be true... it PROBABLY IS"!!! Unfortunately after speaking to our travel agent (dream crusher) again, she informed us that although the resorts are offering unbelievable prices, the airfare prices were not so friendly. It turns out that the flight alone will cost as much as the actual honeymoon totaling the whole package close to $11,000 which is absolutely ridiculous and absurd!!! Needless to say we will not be saying Hello to BORA BORA=(
good bye Bora Bora!!! I will always have you in my dreams... *sigh*
possible options...
Paradisus Playa, COSTA RICA

I ♥ the idea of being nested in the center of the rain forest and surrounded by beaches at the same time!
Santorini Island, GREECE,

Greece is absolutely breathtaking and was my second runner up... but given their recent economic troubles and on going riots, now may not be the best time to be traveling there. But who can possibly resist that magnificant view!

The Amanyara in Turks and Caicos screams absolute luxury and seclusion!!! It's exactly what I picture when I think about Edward and Bella's private island honeymoon! (YES, I'm a complete Twilight die hard fan)
Jade Mountain, ST. LUCIA

St. Lucia is another one of the many gorgeous islands of the Caribbean that I'm dying to visit. Although I &hearts the Caribbean, a major disadvantage is their hurricane season... poor us, September falls right in the middle of it, which definitely limits our options =(
We will be making our final decision this week, so I will surely keep you posted!
Hubby and I conclusively agreed that BORA BORA in the French Polynesian Islands would be our ultimate dream getaway. But we knew that the price would be discouraging... So imagine my excitement after initially meeting with our travel agent, who found amazing deals @ the ST. REGIS RESORT in Bora Bora. I could not believe my ears.. I can already picture myself looking down at the tropical fishies from the living room floor of our private over water bungalows.
But like many things... "if it's too good to be true... it PROBABLY IS"!!! Unfortunately after speaking to our travel agent (dream crusher) again, she informed us that although the resorts are offering unbelievable prices, the airfare prices were not so friendly. It turns out that the flight alone will cost as much as the actual honeymoon totaling the whole package close to $11,000 which is absolutely ridiculous and absurd!!! Needless to say we will not be saying Hello to BORA BORA=(
good bye Bora Bora!!! I will always have you in my dreams... *sigh*
possible options...
Paradisus Playa, COSTA RICA
Santorini Island, GREECE,
Jade Mountain, ST. LUCIA
St. Lucia is another one of the many gorgeous islands of the Caribbean that I'm dying to visit. Although I &hearts the Caribbean, a major disadvantage is their hurricane season... poor us, September falls right in the middle of it, which definitely limits our options =(
We will be making our final decision this week, so I will surely keep you posted!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
W A N T E D: lost save the date cards
I've been extremely frustrated with the post office lately!!! I've sent my save the dates back in March and I'm now discovering that more and more people have not received theirs!!! and what's even more mysterious is that I've only had about 3 returns...AAaargg!!! Where could they possibly be disappearing to???
I probably would not be so upset if I didn't put so much thought and effort into my save the dates. Other then the usual save the date magnets(not that there is anything wrong with them)I thought I'd do something different. I've looked at about 100s of different ones and although I've seen plenty of creative ones, non seem to fit my overall theme. I've always ♥ the idea of a postcard and after searching aimlessly through the web, I came across zazzle.com. I ♥ this website!!! It allows you to be completely create and design anything from executing your very own cards to designing an apron!!! In addition, they have plenty of designs that you can choose from and personalize by adding your own little twist. totally cool! I was extremely delighted to see that postcards were included in their many products. So after designing and ordering a variety of samples, I was able to narrow it down to a simple layout. =) Below is a photo of the final product... which included these captivating chandelier postal stamps that fit perfectly into my all things chandelier theme!!! I was completely thrilled!!!
All that said, imagine my disappointment when I learned that some received their postcards damaged or not at all=( My appologies to those who have not received theirs or have received them mutilated. I sincerely hope and pray that I don't encounter the same problem when sending out my invitations!

I probably would not be so upset if I didn't put so much thought and effort into my save the dates. Other then the usual save the date magnets(not that there is anything wrong with them)I thought I'd do something different. I've looked at about 100s of different ones and although I've seen plenty of creative ones, non seem to fit my overall theme. I've always ♥ the idea of a postcard and after searching aimlessly through the web, I came across zazzle.com. I ♥ this website!!! It allows you to be completely create and design anything from executing your very own cards to designing an apron!!! In addition, they have plenty of designs that you can choose from and personalize by adding your own little twist. totally cool! I was extremely delighted to see that postcards were included in their many products. So after designing and ordering a variety of samples, I was able to narrow it down to a simple layout. =) Below is a photo of the final product... which included these captivating chandelier postal stamps that fit perfectly into my all things chandelier theme!!! I was completely thrilled!!!
All that said, imagine my disappointment when I learned that some received their postcards damaged or not at all=( My appologies to those who have not received theirs or have received them mutilated. I sincerely hope and pray that I don't encounter the same problem when sending out my invitations!
Monday, May 3, 2010
F O U R months
AAAAaaaahhhh!!! I can't believe I'm marrying my hunny in exactly 4 months!!! Time is definitely just flying by!!! As much as I can't wait to officially start spending the rest of my life with the most wonderful man I've been blessed with... there is still so much to do! Until now I thought that I have been quite efficient with the use of my time... but after doing a mental check list on all the nitty gritties... I cannot believe how much there is still left to do!
*book the honeymoon... Dear BORA BORA, hopefully we will meet soon=)
*schedule our official ENGAGEMENT PHOTO session
*make up and hair consultations
*find the perfect birdcage veil
*shop for PUNTA CANA, DR
*lose at least 10 lbs
*meet with the florist for center piece presentation
*start bridal registry
*have the invitations ready and sealed for delivery in June
*order personalized stamps
*order gift favors for the reception
*find a dinner rehearsal venue
*get his wedding band
*find the perfect bridesmaids and groomsmen gifts
*reserve hotel and accommodations for out of state guest
*book limousine and transportation
*decide on a menu & order menu cards
*follow up meetings with the priest
just to name a few
OVERWHELMED does not come close to describe how I'm feeling!
H E L P!!! b r e a t h!
P H E W...Lucky for me I have a phenomenal fiance who has been nothing but unbelievably patient & supportive throughout this whole process.
T H A N K you hunny for your:
♥comforting hugs & kisses
♥many back & forth drives to MICHAELS
♥being my chauffeur during a very frustrating hunt for a birdcage
♥giving me everything I want and so much more! (still keeping my fingers cross for a carpet style photo booth... pretty pretty please)
♥understanding and accepting my creative vision... and at times snapping me back into reality when I tend to go overboard
♥allowing me to make all the final decisions
♥calming words during one of my stress attacks
♥embracing my alter ego p*zilla
♥most of all for just loving me
you have truly made this whole experience as easy and stress free as possible!
*book the honeymoon... Dear BORA BORA, hopefully we will meet soon=)
*schedule our official ENGAGEMENT PHOTO session
*make up and hair consultations
*find the perfect birdcage veil
*shop for PUNTA CANA, DR
*lose at least 10 lbs
*meet with the florist for center piece presentation
*start bridal registry
*have the invitations ready and sealed for delivery in June
*order personalized stamps
*order gift favors for the reception
*find a dinner rehearsal venue
*get his wedding band
*find the perfect bridesmaids and groomsmen gifts
*reserve hotel and accommodations for out of state guest
*book limousine and transportation
*decide on a menu & order menu cards
*follow up meetings with the priest
just to name a few
OVERWHELMED does not come close to describe how I'm feeling!
H E L P!!! b r e a t h!
P H E W...Lucky for me I have a phenomenal fiance who has been nothing but unbelievably patient & supportive throughout this whole process.
T H A N K you hunny for your:
♥comforting hugs & kisses
♥many back & forth drives to MICHAELS
♥being my chauffeur during a very frustrating hunt for a birdcage
♥giving me everything I want and so much more! (still keeping my fingers cross for a carpet style photo booth... pretty pretty please)
♥understanding and accepting my creative vision... and at times snapping me back into reality when I tend to go overboard
♥allowing me to make all the final decisions
♥calming words during one of my stress attacks
♥embracing my alter ego p*zilla
♥most of all for just loving me
you have truly made this whole experience as easy and stress free as possible!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Little Miss D I Y
I'm feeling quite the Little Miss DIY bride lately. I finally finished 1 of my major DIY project and currently working on 2 more. I must say that I'm very proud of myself... I did a marvelous job creating a unique set of Table card #s and saved myself a pretty penny doing so =)
Initially I had my mind set on purchasing custom made Table card #s but after calculating the cost, the total was definitely more than what I expected to spend, especially for 25 pieces of paper!!! So with the help of my sister, I put some of my inspirations and creativity to use and was able to create something that
I ♥ !!!
The different patterns add that sprinkle of vintage that I ooh so adore, and the bling keeps it modern and chic=)

To top it all off, I found these amazing blinged out card holders (at an amazing price) that perfectly compliment my number cards! The best part is that they are emerald shaped... My FAV!!! I finally received them in the mail yesterday and I must say they are even more fabulous in person!
I cannot wait to see the final product and how they will look placed on my tables. Don't worry I will definitely be posting pictures!
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